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What are the benefits of joining?

Kappa Kappa Psi offers numerous benefits to its members. Firstly, it provides a supportive network of individuals who are passionate about music and band activities, and fosters the development of lifelong friendships and professional connections. Secondly, with its emphasis on leadership development and service, members gain valuable skills and experiences that can be applied in various aspects of their personal and professional careers. Lastly, the organization facilitates opportunities for personal growth, community engagement, and a deeper understanding of the significance of music in society, enriching members’ overall college experience.

How do I show my interest in joining either of the chapters?

Come to Interest Period events! Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma have open events that all band members are welcome to attend. Between excursions into the city to fun, snack-filled times in the band room, there’s plenty of ways to get involved. More on those events are posted on the chapters’ social media accounts, @kkpsithetabeta and @tbsetagamma, check out our accounts!

I’m not a freshman/first year student, can I still join?

Of course! We are open to all students, regardless of class year, gender, race, and sexual orientation. As long as you are pursuing a degree-granting program and are enrolled in a BU Athletic Bands ensemble in the spring semester, you are eligible to join! This is also inclusive of most local institutions, provided there is not a chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma at your home institution!

What does the time commitment look like?

The three main responsibilities you will have as an active member are chapter, Joint Assembly Meeting (JAM), and service. Chapter is an hourly meeting held once a week to discuss business for the upcoming week. JAM is a meeting between both the Brothers and Sisters once a month that is an hour and a half long. Service is often during or directly before/after rehearsal call times. All meetings are planned based on the academic schedules of members in addition to band schedules. As a Membership Candidate in the first half of the Spring semester, you will have weekly lessons with the VPM scheduled around your availability! The same is done for chapter and JAM for active members.

Do I have to do an interview to receive a bid for Membership?

If you're interested in receiving a bid, it is highly recommended that you sign up for an interview. It is very informal/low stress, and serves as a way for us to get to know you better! Interviews are conducted at The Smoker by our VPM, Palmer, and one other Brother; we’d love to see you there! If you cannot attend The Smoker and are interested in the chapter, reach out to Vivek to schedule another time for your interview.

I was also interested in joining a social fraternity/sorority! What can I do?

While it depends on a case by case basis, the majority of social fraternities and sororities allow you to also join professional/service fraternities or sororities, including Kappa Kappa Psi! With KKPsi specifically, if you become a member, the only Greek life you cannot join are other band service organizations. This means that even if you become a member, KKPsi has no restrictions preventing you from holding membership in other social, professional, or service-based Greek life organizations.

I don’t know which chapter to join! What’s the difference between them?

The main difference between the chapters are the service tasks we each perform. To learn more, attend our individual chapters' Info Sessions. If you want to get a better idea of our vibes, come to our other recruitment events and meet the members, we would love to see you there!


If you have any questions not listed here, please reach out to a Brother or our Vice President of Membership, Palmer. It’s great to see you’re interested in what we do, and we hope you’re looking in getting involved!

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